Monday, June 28, 2010

Not Me! Monday

I tell you what, I am a perfect mother. Always on the ball, thinking on the fly, and getting the job done. I never drop said ball. My brain never feels like mush and for the life of me I can't remember a thing. Therefore, my four lovely children are always prim and proper. They are always studious and calm. We are a very proper family. Always. 24/7.

For instance, I most certainly did not allow our three year old to play on our waterslide in his underwear...

...and then proceed to allow him to take his underwear off and slide naked...

...and then proceeed to take pictures of naked three year old sliding. That is just too loose and something you would never catch me doing!

Well, whadya say! Can we catch you doing something like this? Won't you join in the fun!

Head over to Mckmama and see what everyone else has been up to!


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