Sunday, January 24, 2010

straight talk

What a purpose driven day! I made blueberry muffins for breakfast. The purpose of that was to fill up my kids empty tummies. They awake so starving every morning! We then proceeded to take showers and get ready to go to church as a family. The purpose being, to take time to thank God for our many blessings and fellowship with other believers. It started to pour halfway through church. My husband and I held tightly to two hands each and dashed to our car. Yes, we still got soaked but the purpose was to not be scared of a little rain and have a laugh. It's not like we were going to melt!

We then headed across the bay to the big little city. We ate lunch at an Italian restaurant. Maddie discovered what her Italian last name would be. Seems that you simply add elli to the end of the first syllable of your last name. So what's yours? Our three oldest children are at the stage of making each other laugh at the dinner table and inevitably at least one child snorts something, be it food or drink, through their nose. My husband and I hold the laughter in and can't help but smile. Oh the joy of knowing that you made your sibling laugh to the point of spewing, peeing, or choking. And of course, it's always the others fault. "They made me laugh!" "Tell him to stop making faces at me!"

After a most filling lunch we were off to test drive what would hopefully be our new used car. The purpose of this new used car is so my dear husband has a safe and reliable commuter car. Oh, and a car with a heater since the car he currently drives lacks one. Makes for a chilly drive to work at 6am. After a thorough inspection and test drive, we purchased the car. It's a Toyota Camry. My husband now gets to drive his new car to his new job tomorrow morning.

Now we are home and glued to the tv watching the Saints football game. Who Dat?! Go Saints!   

Gotta go cheer.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Hi Jessica! Found you on twitter. Let me know what questions you have about Stella & Dot. We are looking for stylists in AL!! Please visit my blog and enter my giveaway.

We would love to have you join us!!